Vacation Bible School

Eccles 1:13

“I dedicated myself to using wisdom for study and discovery of everything that is done under heaven.”

2022 VBS Registration

First AME Church of Los Angeles
2022 Virtual Vacation Bible School
July 18-22, 2022
Pastor "J" Edgar Boyd, Senior Minister
Carmen Hayward Stetson, VBS Director

*Please enter class grade after each participant’s name (see grades below):

Pre-registration will help us to direct students to the Zoom classrooms as quickly as possible. 

*VBS Class Grades:

Thank you for registering to join us in Vacation Bible School this year!

VBS is open to FAME members and guests! 

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program many churches offer, usually during the summer (“vacation”) months, to connect with the children and families in their communities. Vacation Bible School is an outreach meant to bring in children who don’t normally attend church and to teach them the gospel. It is also a fellowship opportunity for the congregation and the community at large. At First AME Church of Los Angeles, it is held in the month of July, for five days in the evening. First we serve dinner to our families and individuals; then we have devotion for praise and worship; and, we offer age-appropriate classes for Pre-Kindergarten to Senior Adults. On the fifth day, there is a Praise Festival with games and music.

For more information, contact Ms. Carmen, VBS Director, at (310) 403-0466.