Parking: Where do I park?
We want you to make it to church on time so we have several parking options and shuttle services to serve you. Immediately behind the church, located at 2270 S. Harvard Blvd. is the main parking lot. We have friendly parking staff that will meet and guide you. Come early because this lot fills up quickly! Off-street parking is also available but any option you choose is free. We want you here to worship!
New Guests: What can I expect as a visitor?
We want to make sure you feel welcome and simply enjoy yourself during services! We will ask visitors, who feel comfortable, to please stand as we officially welcome you. You will not be asked to say anything. Now is the time to just stand and enjoy as our choir sings the FAME Welcome song to you. Our ushers will give you a visitor’s card during this time and we do ask that you fill out the card and put it in the offering basket as it passes.
Worship Services: When are your worship services?
We offer one worship service each Sunday at 9:00am.
Sunday School for all ages begins at 10:00 am at the Allen House which is located immediately across the street from the Church. We also offer an exciting Children’s Church on the Plaza Level which begins at 12:00 noon on the 1st through 3rd Sundays. Children’s Church is offered to all children ages 3 years to 5th grade.
During Worship: What can I expect during worship?
Worship at FAME is a dynamic and joyful experience led by the Holy Spirit. Our nationally acclaimed music department provides anointed music and praise from at least one of our seven choirs at each worship service. Our Living Word Liturgical Dancers praise the Lord through energetic and spirit-filled dance. At FAME our congregation is free to express our joy and love for God as the bible prescribes and our Lord desires.
Children’s Church and Ministries:
Children are a priority at FAME. Under the leadership of Mrs. Patty Robinson we have structured a Children’s Ministry which not only includes Children’s Church but a variety of programs which strengthen the mind, heart, soul and spirit of every child. The spiritual foundation for Christians is best established in the formative years.
Children who visit are welcome and encouraged to attend children’s church. (Note: Parents are required to sign their children in and sign out of children’s church services.)