Yoga Meditation

The Christ Yoga Meditation Ministry  meets every Monday Evening.  It was established in 2001 promote holistic healing   ancient yoga meditation discipline and integrated historic Gospel of Jesus the Christ. The goal of Christ Yoga Meditation Ministry achieve wholeness, peace and love at  FAME Church and the greater Community. Periodically, six week certificate basic Yoga Meditation Course is offered…

Commission On Scholarship, Education And Training (Cset)

The mission of the Commission On Scholarship, Education And Training to promote and implement a series of events, programs, and initiatives which will provide information and activities focused on academic training, career development and scholarship sourcing for school-age students and high school graduates. The Commission on Scholarship, Education and Training (CSET), is a working group…

Girl Scouts

First AME host a chapter of the Girl Scouts.  The mission of Girl Scouting build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The Girl Scouts meet the first Sunday of each month from 12:00pm until 1:00pm in the Allen House. Promise – On my honor, I will try: To…

CSET Fame Golf Committee

The purpose of FAME’s Annual Golf Tournament, Banquet, and Table Games is to raise funds to support FAME’s Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships to young college students.  The FAME Golf Tournament has provided substantial funds for this important cause each year since its inaugural tournament in August 2011.  We are able to meet our stated objectives year…

كيف يمكن للأفلام الإباحية أن تؤثر على تصورنا للعلاقة بين الزوجين

يمكن للمواد الإباحية أن تؤثر بشكل عميق على تصورنا للعلاقة كزوجين، مما يؤثر على كل من التوقعات والسلوكيات داخلها. فيما يلي بعض الطرق التي يمكن للمواد الإباحية من خلالها تشكيل هذه التصورات. توقعات غير واقعية معايير الأداء يمكن أن تؤدي المشاهدة المتكررة لأفلام البالغين إلى خلق توقعات غير واقعية حول الجنس والعلاقة الحميمة. غالبًا ما…

FAME Renaissance Center

FAME Renaissance Center

FAME Renaissance Center Since 1992, FAME Corporations has been a community partner and leader in addressing social and economic inequalities affecting low-income, underserved communities in Los Angeles. Today, FAC serves over 1,000,000 people annually by leveraging strong community-wide partnerships, agency relationships, and organizational collaborations to deliver relevant and culturally appropriate programs impacting people’s lives and…