Commission on Public Relations

Commission on Public Relations

The Commission on Public Relations supports FAME’s ministries and auxiliaries by serving as a clearinghouse for bulletin requests, announcements, flyers and banners and provides editorial assistance as needed. The Commission collaborates with FAME ministries and publicizes selected church activities in the community press. The Commission meets on the second Monday of the month as needed.  The…

Commission on Stewardship and Finance

Commission on Stewardship and Finance

The Commission on Stewardship and Finance plans and directs a program that encourages the stewardship of time, talent, and finances, thus promoting the financial needs of the church. This includes promoting stewardship education throughout the church year; preparing the operating budget; keeping accurate records; and planning and directing stewardship programs and campaigns. Sub Committees Budget…

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry caters to the spiritual needs of contemporary adults by fostering spiritual growth through biblical based conversation. We provide an open, relaxed, and sacred space that nurtures contemporary adults to seek out their God given purpose. This group is open to young adults 18-39 years old. Reoccurring events for the Young Adult…

Commission on Missions & Welfare

Commission on Missions & Welfare

The Commission works with a network of Community-Based Programs and Agencies to address the needs of those seeking assistance. First AME does not provide direct financial assistance to individuals. The Commission on Missions and Welfare focuses on the various areas for referral assistance: • Food• Employment• Utilities• Transportation• • Legal• Education• Addiction/Rehabilitation• Housing The Commission…

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Eccles 1:13 “I dedicated myself to using wisdom for study and discovery of everything that is done under heaven.” Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program many churches offer, usually during the summer (“vacation”) months, to connect with the children and families in their communities. Vacation Bible School is an outreach meant to…

Teen Bible Study & Teen Church (The Preparation)

Teen Bible Study & Teen Church (The Preparation)

The Teen Bible Study meets every Tuesday in the Choir Room from 6:45pm until 7:30pm. Teen Church (The Preparation) meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Allen House. The mission of both groups is to encourage teens in developing their Christianity through discussion, music, fun activities and faith. Vision statement: To be…