12 Step Recovery Program

12 Step Recovery Program

Tuesday Zoom Conference Information Click link below to go to zoom meeting: https://apu.zoom.us/j/94723454597?pwd=SU43OFoySHN6Y25BUC9yZytvazBsUT09 ———- Meeting ID 947 2345 4597 *** Passcode 180169 PLEASE NOTE THE DAY CHANGE: We now meet Tuesday’s from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm Hosted by Safe Place Recovery Ministry of First AME Church of Los Angeles

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

FAME Women’s Bible Study is held on the 4th Saturday of every month from 10:30am-12noon. The name is W.O.W., Women Working Out In The Word.  The Women’s Bible Study group meet for one hour on spiritual food and the last 30 minutes is physical food(fitness).  They strive for wholeness in every area of our lives….

Teen Bible Study & Teen Church (The Preparation)

Teen Bible Study & Teen Church (The Preparation)

The Teen Bible Study meets every Tuesday in the Choir Room from 6:45pm until 7:30pm. Teen Church (The Preparation) meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Allen House. The mission of both groups is to encourage teens in developing their Christianity through discussion, music, fun activities and faith. Vision statement: To be…