Usher Board #4

Usher Board #4 meets on the 4th Saturday of the Month 9:30a.m.-11:00a.m. in the Sanctuary. Their mission is to Greet and Welcome everyone into the House of the Lord on the Fourth Sunday. Collect Tithes and Offering and provide assistance to those needing help with seating in the sanctuary. They are a group of dedicated volunteer members who…

Usher Board #1

Usher Board #1

Mission Statement:  I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.  Psalms 84:10 ASV Usher Board #1 serves on the first Sunday of each month, at mid-week services (the week following the first Sunday) and at the request of Pastor Boyd.  We meet the Saturday…

Brookinaires Gospel Choir

Brookinaires Gospel Choir

Mission Statement: “Spreading the word of God through the ministry of music, with spirit – filled song and praise.” Rehearsal:  Wednesday evenings, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Brief History:  In 1969 (while at the 8th and Towne location), Pastor H. Hartford Brookins named the unnamed choir the Brookinaires Gospel Choir (BGC). Under the leadership of Joe…

Cathedral Choir

When do you meet? We meet every Monday evening at 7:00 PM except for holidays. What is your mission? Our mission is to assist the Pastor in worship through the ministry of music via hymns, anthems, spirituals, and gospel songs. Name of President George Woods How can someone contact your organization? One can contact any member…

Fame Hi

Fame Hi

FAME-HI greeters’ mission is to ensure visitors feel welcome and have an uplifting experience that will encourage them to come back and visit FAME again. Greeters station themselves throughout the Vestibule, and other entrances that provide access to the Sanctuary. Always with a smile, we hand-out Church Bulletins, register visitors, and provide directions and assistance…

Commission on Evangelism and Membership

Commission on Evangelism and Membership

The Commission on Evangelism and Membership is devoted to sharing the joy of Christ with both parishioners and the community. It participates in several outreach activities designed to help increase the size, vitality and diversity of First A.M.E. through evangelism and community outreach, welcoming visitors to our church, and building church membership.  Members are encouraged…

Commission on Public Relations

Commission on Public Relations

The Commission on Public Relations supports FAME’s ministries and auxiliaries by serving as a clearinghouse for bulletin requests, announcements, flyers and banners and provides editorial assistance as needed. The Commission collaborates with FAME ministries and publicizes selected church activities in the community press. The Commission meets on the second Monday of the month as needed.  The…

Commission on Stewardship and Finance

Commission on Stewardship and Finance

The Commission on Stewardship and Finance plans and directs a program that encourages the stewardship of time, talent, and finances, thus promoting the financial needs of the church. This includes promoting stewardship education throughout the church year; preparing the operating budget; keeping accurate records; and planning and directing stewardship programs and campaigns. Sub Committees Budget…