Suppressed – Viewing at FAME Thursday, Oct 3rd at 6pm

Suppressed – Viewing at FAME Thursday, Oct 3rd at 6pm

Suppressed: The Fight to Vote, the new documentary by Robert Greenwald (Director of Outfoxed, Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, and Making A Killing: Guns, Greed, & the NRA) weaves together personal stories from voters across the state of Georgia to paint an undeniable picture of voter suppression in the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first…

Lay Organization

The purpose of the Lay Organization is to organize and train the lay members of the A.M.E. Church, so that each member may utilize to the maximum the abilities and skills granted by God, in assisting with the improvement and extension of God’s kingdom, and creating happiness, peace and harmony among its members. To accomplish…

Yoga Meditation

The Christ Yoga Meditation Ministry  meets every Monday Evening.  It was established in 2001 promote holistic healing   ancient yoga meditation discipline and integrated historic Gospel of Jesus the Christ. The goal of Christ Yoga Meditation Ministry achieve wholeness, peace and love at  FAME Church and the greater Community. Periodically, six week certificate basic Yoga Meditation Course is offered…

Sons of Allen

The FAME Sons of Allen meet on a Monthly basis. Due to Covid-19 it is a virtual meeting, typically held the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm (Pacific Time – Los Angeles Date: 2nd Thursdays of the month Zoom link: Meeting ID: 284 179 1968 Passcode: 23FwfM The mission of the…

Commission On Scholarship, Education And Training (Cset)

The mission of the Commission On Scholarship, Education And Training to promote and implement a series of events, programs, and initiatives which will provide information and activities focused on academic training, career development and scholarship sourcing for school-age students and high school graduates. The Commission on Scholarship, Education and Training (CSET), is a working group…

Sarah Allen Women’s Missionary Society

The Sarah Allen Women’s Missionary Society consist of five Units and the Young People and Children’s Department (YPD): Mission Statement:  We are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world. The Sarah Allen Women’s Missionary Society exist to witness, advocate, build membership,…